Author - Janine Kickler

Australian Privacy Reform Series Refresher: What Are These Reforms?
Provisional Political Agreement on Landmark AI Regulation in Europe
China Will Issue Safe Harbor Rules to Facilitate Cross-Border Data Flow
UK Government Approves Adequacy of UK-US Data Bridge
Japanese Government Identified Issues Related to AI and Copyrights

Australian Privacy Reform Series Refresher: What Are These Reforms?

By Cameron Abbott, Rob Pulham, and Stephanie Mayhew

In 2023 the Attorney-General’s Department released the “Privacy Act Review Report” (Review Report), which considered whether the Australian Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and its enforcement mechanisms are fit for purpose in an environment where Australians now live much of their lives online and their information is collected and used for a myriad of purposes in the digital economy.

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Provisional Political Agreement on Landmark AI Regulation in Europe

By Giovanni Campi, Petr Bartoš, and Kathleen Keating

In a landmark development, EU lawmakers reached on 8 December 2023 a provisional political agreement on the Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act). Once adopted, this regulation will be the first of its kind, and could set a global standard for AI laws around the world.

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China Will Issue Safe Harbor Rules to Facilitate Cross-Border Data Flow

By Amigo L. Xie and Dan Wu

On 28 September 2023, the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) released draft Provisions on Regulating and Facilitating Cross-Border Data Flow (in Chinese) for a public comment period ending on 15 October 2023.1

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UK Government Approves Adequacy of UK-US Data Bridge

By Claude-Étienne Armingaud and Nóirín McFadden

The UK Government has laid adequacy regulations before Parliament that, once in force from 12 October 2023, will permit use of the UK – US “Data Bridge” as a safeguard for personal data transfers from the UK to the US under Article 44 UK GDPR.

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Japanese Government Identified Issues Related to AI and Copyrights

By Aiko Yamada and Yuki Sako

Aiming to address creators’ concerns and to minimize risks of copyright infringement by artificial intelligence (AI) developers and users, the Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan convened panels at the Legal System Subcommittee of the Copyright Committee on 26 July 2023 and 5 September 2023 to identify issues to resolve in relation with generative AI and copyrights as roughly noted below:

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