Catagory:Australian Privacy Law Reforms

Australian Privacy Law Reform – The Wait is (Almost!) Over
Privacy Reform Bill Just Around the Corner
Australian Privacy Reform Series Refresher: What Are These Reforms?
Disclosure Obligations for Cyber Ransom Payments: A New Cyber Security Act is Coming

Australian Privacy Law Reform – The Wait is (Almost!) Over

By: Cameron Abbott, Stephanie Mayhew, and Rob Pulham

The long-awaited privacy reform has finally been introduced into the Australian Parliament today with the introduction of the Privacy and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024. Described as ‘Tranche 1’ of the reforms, the Bill introduces significant uplifts to several aspects of Australia’s privacy laws.

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Privacy Reform Bill Just Around the Corner

By: Cameron Abbott, Rob Pulham, and Lauren Hrysomallis

There appears to be a further delay to the long-anticipated privacy law reform legislation, most recently expected to be unveiled this month. But even with this delay the wait won’t be long; we could see a draft bill introduced in as little as three weeks’ time.

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Australian Privacy Reform Series Refresher: What Are These Reforms?

By Cameron Abbott, Rob Pulham, and Stephanie Mayhew

In 2023 the Attorney-General’s Department released the “Privacy Act Review Report” (Review Report), which considered whether the Australian Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and its enforcement mechanisms are fit for purpose in an environment where Australians now live much of their lives online and their information is collected and used for a myriad of purposes in the digital economy.

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Disclosure Obligations for Cyber Ransom Payments: A New Cyber Security Act is Coming

By Cameron Abbott, Rob Pulham, Stephanie Mayhew, Dadar Ahmadi-Pirshahid and Lauren Hrysomallis

A new Cyber Security Act is set to be unveiled in Parliament’s next sitting from 12 August, as reported by the ABC. The proposed Act would require Australian businesses and government bodies to disclose when they make a ransom payment to cybercriminals in the event of a hack, or face penalties of up to AU$15,000 for failing to notify.

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