Catagory:Legal & Regulatory Risk

Higher Regional Court of Hamm (Germany): Claims for Moral Damages Under Art. 82 GDPR are Assignable – German Class Actions Coming?
Modern Adtech Regulated Under Antiquated Law: How Video Killed the Internet Star
9,948,575,739 Reasons to Change Your Passwords now
Beijing CAC Approved the First China SCC Filing
Japanese Privacy Regulator Cautioned Businesses regarding Issues Relating to Generative AI Services
Australian Government contemplates Asimov’s Omnibus
New ICO guidance for employers responding to data subject access requests
Privacy Awareness Week Part V – Return of the Privacy Policy
Privacy Awareness Week Part IV – Privacy Priorities
Privacy Awareness Week Part III- The importance of being privacy prepared

Higher Regional Court of Hamm (Germany): Claims for Moral Damages Under Art. 82 GDPR are Assignable – German Class Actions Coming?

By Dr. Thomas Nietsch and Andreas Müller

On July 24, 2024, the OLG Hamm ruled that claims for moral damages under Art. 82 GDPR are generally assignable (case number: 11 U 69/23).

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Modern Adtech Regulated Under Antiquated Law: How Video Killed the Internet Star

By Cameron Abbott and Rob Pulham

In their recent article available here, Katie Staba and Corey Bieber from our Chicago office discuss emerging advertising technology issues, including new applications of the California Invasion of Privacy Act and the Video Privacy Protection Act.

9,948,575,739 Reasons to Change Your Passwords now

By Cameron Abbott, Rob Pulham, Stephanie Mayhew and Jordan Booth

Cybernews has reported on its researchers’ discovery of what could be the largest leaked password compilation of all time, with a record 9,948,575,739 plaintext passwords in a file called “rockyou2024.txt” (see article).

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Beijing CAC Approved the First China SCC Filing

By Amigo L. Xie, Lingjun Zhang, and Dan Wu

About four months after the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) released the Measures for the Standard Contract for the Export of Personal Data from China (China SCC Measures), and 15 working days after the China SCC Measures became effective, Beijing CAC published a notice announcing that a Beijing-based company passed the first-ever China SCC filing on 25 June 2023 (Notice).

Based on the Notice, the first China SCC filing relates to a cross-border personal data transfer from a Beijing-based data exporter, an online data service provider, to a Hong Kong-based data recipient. The type of data exported by the Beijing-based data exporter is personal data related to credit references as disclosed by the Notice.

The completion of the first-ever China SCC filing conveyed some positive messages to the market:

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Japanese Privacy Regulator Cautioned Businesses regarding Issues Relating to Generative AI Services

By Yuki Sako and Aiko Yamada

Following the call for international standards on Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the recent G7 summit, on 2 June 2023, in a rare move, Japan’s Personal Information Protection Commission (PPC) issued two warnings in a publicly released letter (the “Letter”):

  • Firstly to the three categories of users of generative AI services, i.e.,
    • business operators who collect personal information and thus are subject to the Act on the Protection of Personal Information of Japan (APPI);
    • government agencies, which may adopt generative AI services into their operations; and
    • the general public; and
  • Secondly to the “ChatGPT” developers/publishers. 
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Australian Government contemplates Asimov’s Omnibus

By Cameron Abbott, Daniel Knight, Rob Pulham, Stephanie Mayhew, and Dadar Ahmadi-Pirshahid

Amid the rapid acceleration of tools like ChatGPT and global calls for tailored regulation of artificial intelligence tools, the Australia Federal Government has released a discussion paper on the safe and responsible use of AI. The Government is consulting on what safeguards are needed to ensure Australia has an appropriate regulatory and governance framework to manage the potential risks, while continuing to encourage uptake of innovative technologies.

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New ICO guidance for employers responding to data subject access requests

By Noirin M. McFadden and Claude-Étienne Armingaud

Today, the UK data protection regulator, the ICO, has published guidance to assist employers in responding to data subject access requests (DSARs) from current and former employees. DSARs have become the primary tool for employees attempting to gain leverage against employers during a dispute or grievance process: they can be extremely time-consuming and resource intensive for employers to deal with, and it is a difficult balance to strike between upholding employees’ right of access under the UK GDPR and applying exemptions from disclosure in an appropriate way.

The new guidance covers issues that often occur when employers try to strike this balance, and notably:

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Privacy Awareness Week Part V – Return of the Privacy Policy

By Cameron Abbott, Rob Pulham, Stephanie Mayhew and Dadar Ahmadi-Pirshahid

You’ve reached the end of a long week, riddled with proselytising about the importance of being privacy aware and privacy prepared. You get it! You lay your head to a well-earned rest…and like Kate McCallister wake screaming “Privacy Policy”! In true “back-to-basics” fashion, the privacy policy is getting a reboot!

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Privacy Awareness Week Part IV – Privacy Priorities

By Cameron Abbott, Rob Pulham and Stephanie Mayhew

Given the current privacy reform and cyber threat environment, the question we get asked a lot is – what are the privacy risks that should be assessed in our organisation and how do we prioritise these? Unfortunately this isn’t always a ‘one size fits all’ answer but there are some basic matters you can check as to whether your organisation is considering privacy risks proactively.

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Privacy Awareness Week Part III- The importance of being privacy prepared

By Cameron Abbott, Rob Pulham, Stephanie Mayhew and Dadar Ahmadi-Pirshahid

The APPs require organisations to “take reasonable steps to implement practices, procedures and systems that ensure compliance with the APPs”. Putting your mind to privacy after a data breach or complaint is very much shutting the stable door after Phar Lap has bolted (good luck getting him back!)

Good privacy management starts with a good privacy culture in your organisation. Recommended steps to develop this include:

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