Catagory:Privacy, Data Protection & Information Management

The police are reading … a lot … more than half a million times last year
Abbott Labs makes a costly mistake as FDA targets cybersecurity deficiencies
Draft law proposes security assessment of data exported out of China
McDonald’s India (inadvertently) delivering more than just burgers in India
Old-school data breach sees hospital investigated
Is your IoT device putting you at risk?
You are not alone! Rasomware attacks increase
Is Uber’s Greyball pushing the boundaries of what is legally and ethically OK?
Australia’s new data breach notification laws: what they mean for you
Australian data breach notification law passes both houses of Parliament

The police are reading … a lot … more than half a million times last year

By Cameron Abbott and Edwin Tan

News Corp reported today that law enforcement agencies accessed the private data of Australian individuals about 541,300 times during the past 12 months. This is an estimated increase of about 60 percent compared to the previous year.

This is in addition to the Australian Federal Police (AFP) confirming on Friday that an officer had accessed phone records without a warrant earlier in the year. No action was taken against the officer.

The 2015 amendments to the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979 (Cth) made it mandatory for telecommunications companies and internet service providers to retain metadata. This metadata can be accessed without a warrant by 21 government agencies, including the AFP.

However, journalists’ telecommunications data cannot be accessed by agencies without first obtaining a “Journalist Information Warrant”. An agency must apply to a Federal Court judge or a nominated Administrative Appeals Tribunal member to be granted the warrant.

The breach has sparked calls for an independent and public inquiry into the AFP, with Senator Nick Xenophon calling the incident “a complete failure with no real explanation”.  Not the last we will hear about this issue we think.  Read more about this here.

Abbott Labs makes a costly mistake as FDA targets cybersecurity deficiencies

By Cameron Abbott and Giles Whittaker

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), after a previous warning in 2014, threatens legal action against Abbott Labs if the company fails to address safety and security issues in implanted cardiac devices sold by St Jude Medical – a recent subsidiary acquired by Abbott Labs. The internet of things takes a much more serious tenure when it’s a medical device compared to your fridge!

The company recently purchased St. Jude Medical, which makes implanted cardiac devices that have been the subject of cybersecurity concerns. A warning letter issued by the FDA gives Abbott Labs 15 days to submit a plan to address errors in the products’ design that could allow hackers to tamper with the settings and drain the batteries of the devices. Many of the cybersecurity concerns first came to light after medical device security research firm MedSec submitted a report outlining a variety of alleged security flaws in St. Jude products to investment firm Muddy Waters Research (MWR). MWR subsequently publically announced the product design failures while short-selling St. Jude Medical’s stock in order to capitalise on the expected market response.

As the public increases its awareness of cybersecurity issues it becomes apparent that a failure to adequately consider these issues – as a day to day function of operating a business or prior to the acquisition of a new business – can result in significant damage to a company’s bottom line. The recent short-selling by MWR indicates the necessity for cybersecurity considerations to form central in a company’s business model, otherwise risk having its inadequacies called out in a public forum. And we are not even thinking about what litigation liability risk these sorts of issues might raise.

Draft law proposes security assessment of data exported out of China

By Cameron Abbott and Allison Wallace

The Cyberspace Administration of China has released a draft law that would impose an annual security assessment on firms exporting data out of China.

The proposed legislation would apply to any business which transfers more than 1000 gigabytes of data, or which affects more than 500,000 users, and is the latest of several safeguards announced in recent times against threats such as hacking and terrorism.

Under the draft law, economic, technological or scientific data whose transfer would post a threat to public or security interests would be banned, and there would be extra scrutiny of sensitive geographic data.

Businesses would also have to obtain the consent of users before transmitting it overseas.

The draft law follows another passed in November 2016 which formalised a range of controls over firms that handle data in industries the Chinese government labels critical to national interests.

McDonald’s India (inadvertently) delivering more than just burgers in India

By Cameron Abbott and Allison Wallace

McDonald’s has fallen foul of customer expectations after its McDelivery app leaked the personal information of about 2.2 million users.

Access to the names, emails, home addresses and phone numbers of users was made readily available due to a poorly configured server, according to security firm Fallible.

The fast food giant told the Times of India that the app is safe to use – but Fallible tested the app again after McDonald’s said it had updated it to fix the issue, and found that it was still leaking data.

Old-school data breach sees hospital investigated

By Cameron Abbott and Allison Wallace

While health institutions around the world work to secure patients’ personal information and prevent the hacking or leaking of data from their systems, one Melbourne hospital is being investigated after medical records were found lying in a gutter in a nearby street.

Fairfax Media reports Australia’s Privacy Commissioner Timothy Pilgrim is investigating how the paper records of 31 patients of the John Fawkner Private Hospital were removed from the premises last month.

The documents, which were found by a local resident, were sent to both the Privacy Commissioner, and Victoria’s Health Complaints Commissioner.

Under current legislation, there is no obligation for the hospital to notify the affected patients that their privacy has been breached. All this will change under the new data breach notification laws, which were passed by the Australian government last month, and are expected to come into force within the next 12 months.

This breach is a timely reminder for all businesses, government agencies and other organisations covered by Australia’s privacy laws to take stock of how they store personal information – whether it be in a filing cabinet, on a hard-drive, or in a cloud – and ensure it is secure.

Is your IoT device putting you at risk?

By Cameron Abbott and Giles Whittaker

As the uptake of IoT (Internet of Things) devices increases, industry experts question whether adequate cybersecurity measures are in place. While we are not surprised with the results of a recent survey, it has been confirmed that IoT devices represent the next big cybersecurity threat.

A Tripwire study found 96% of surveyed IT pros expect to see an increase in security attacks on IoT. The study acknowledges the promise of these devices in facilitating tasks and bringing convenience, but also notes the risk they pose as they’re not always built with security in mind. The study found the industries facing the biggest threat include energy, utilities, government, healthcare and finance with devices connecting the Industrial Internet of Things viewed as susceptible to serious consequences. David Meltzer, COO at Tripwire, says there must be a change in the level of preparation for such attacks or the realization of these risks will be experienced.

You are not alone! Rasomware attacks increase

By Cameron Abbott and Giles Whittaker

While no one likes to admit that they have been caught out or victimised by cyber-attacks such as ransomware, what appears to be true is that a lot of organisations are. The lesson is that it is quite likely to happen so design your IT systems to give you a recovery option. No good having your back up encrypted as well!

A survey (reg. req.) of IT security decision makers by CyberEdge found that a whopping 61% of respondents’ organizations were victimized by ransomware in 2016. Among those hit by ransomware, 33% paid the ransom to recover their data, 54% refused to pay but recovered their data anyway, and 13% refused to pay and lost their data. In general, the report found the percentage of organizations being hit by successful cyber-attacks continues to rise, from 62% in 2014 to 70% in 2015, 76% in 2016, and 79% in 2017. Three in five respondents believe a successful cyber-attack is likely in the coming year.


Is Uber’s Greyball pushing the boundaries of what is legally and ethically OK?

By Cameron Abbott and Allison Wallace

Ridesharing service Uber has been using a self-developed program called Greyball in a bid to avoid regulatory scrutiny and other law enforcement activity.

As reported in The New York Times, the program uses various techniques to survey government officials when rolling out the service in new cities. This came after Uber’s services encountered legal issues (including cars being impounded and drivers fined) as it tried to operate in new locations, including in Melbourne, Australia. Read More

Australia’s new data breach notification laws: what they mean for you

By Cameron Abbott, Rob Pulham and Allison Wallace

Further to our blog post yesterday, we’ve prepared a summary into the implications of the Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Data Breaches) Bill 2017 that has now been passed by both houses of Parliament. Read our article here.

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